Master of Software Engineering
I possess seven years of experience as an Android applications developer, with a diverse background encompassing the fields of banking, cryptocurrencies, social networks, and Android libraries. My overarching commitment lies in guaranteeing a superior end-user experience for all products I develop. I am dedicated to employing the most suitable methodologies and staying at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies throughout product development.
● Android platform development
● Kotlin/Java
● SOLID principles
● Software Architecture(clean architecture)
● Architecture Patterns(MVVM, MVI, MVP)
● Reactive Programing(Kotlin Coroutine)
● Design Patterns
● Dependency Injection(Dagger, Koin)
● Git/Git flow
● RESTful, Protobuf, gRPC
● Cryptography
● DBMS (SQLite, Room, Realm)
● Firebase (Play Services, Messaging, Analytics, Crashlytics)
Master of Software Engineering
Bachelor of Software Engineering
4-Year Highschool & Secondary School Diploma
Senior Android Developer
Android Developer
Android Developer
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